Rhadar sends various emails out to both the admin staff and therapists, as well as the client. The notifications will depend on the process being completed. The main notifications are as follows:
Archiving a client - An email will be sent to the client notifying them that they have now been arvhived. An email will also be sent to the email addresses entered on the Rhadar system notifying them also of the archived client.
Archiving a CAMHS client - An email will be sent to the client notifying them that they have now been archived. If required, they will also receive a link to an online form for feedback on the service.
Overdue payments - From the payments screen, admin users can click a button that will show all payment overdue sessions. Also from within this screen they will have the option to send the client a pre-set email informing them of the late payment.
Contracts - Contracts that are completed and signed are automatially emailed to the client as a copy for their records and reference
Therapist expiries - Within the therapists there are a number of items that can be stored with expiry dates. Rhadar will periodically check these and one month before expiry will send an email to the Therapist and the Admin staff informing them of the upcoming expiry. Included are Child Protection Expiry, Contract Expiry, DBS Payment Expiry, Insurance Expiry and Membership Expiry.